Reader Email - You Asked For An Update On Wally....Well Here You Go

Reader Email

Hey Pres,

You asked and of course I’ll stop everything I’m doing at work to send along an update on Wally. He’s been great since we got him and the girls who took care of him while he was at the Vet Tech, Gabby and Ariella, obviously did a great job with him and deserve a shout out. They said he was afraid of everything when he first got to them and that was evident when we took him home as he was very shy and scared of almost everything that moved or made a sound but quickly came around after a few weeks. He loves running around outside more than you can imagine and is without a doubt the sweetest and most loving dog I’ve met, how someone could ever bring themselves to testing/abusing a dog from when they were a puppy is beyond me. If you ever want to come see the dog that you found a home for you’re more than welcome, you can even bring Stella along. Thanks again for bringing Mt. Ida’s program to my attention, we’re lucky to have gotten a dog like Wally and it’s great that you were able to find him a home. Attached are some new pictures of Wally for you.


PS. Did you ever make starfish dog collars? Could have sworn I saw them one day and was going to get Wally one to pay homage but never found them again. That’ll really get the bitches attention when he’s on the prowl.

In case you don’t know who Wally is here is the precursor to this blog.   I asked for an update because we posted another blog about Beagles today.   Fucking awesome email.   I needed a smile on my face today and this did just the trick.  I love dogs. Honestly how the fuck can anybody ever test on dogs?  Makes no sense to me on any level.

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