Olde Time Hockey: Former NHL Prospect Gets Suspended For Trying To Climb Over The Glass To Beat The Shit Out Of A Fan

If there's one league that all hockey fans need to constantly keep an eye on, it's the LNAH. I've blogged about this league quite a few times over the years and that's because if there were ever a hockey league that still preserves every aspect of Slapshot, it's this one right here. It's Eddie Shore olde time hockey through and through. Most games are typically just a bunch of fights with a little bit of hockey sprinkled in throughout. It's a league for goons, by goons. So if there were ever a league where we could get a throwback tribute to Mike Milbury climbing into the stands to beat a fan with his own shoe, the LNAH is the place to go. 

So that brings us to Jonathan Diaby, who is currently playing with the Jonquière Marquis. There's a chance that some of you might recognize Jonathan Diaby's name. Probably not for the fact that he was a 3rd round draft pick by the Nashville Predators in 2013, but because last year there was an incident where he and his family in the crowd ended up leaving a game early because they were getting so many racist taunts thrown their way. That incident just so happened to be against the same team as this one. So if I had to take a wild guess here, I would assume that some Northern Oilers fan decided to let the racism fly here while Diaby was in the box which then prompted him to try to get into the crowd to beat the shit out of him. 

(Quick sidenote: Love the fan in the full gear. You know he's ferda boys. Gotta support the team). 

I've been a long-time believer that athletes should be allowed to beat up 1 fan every year. This seems like it would have been the perfect time for Jonathan Diaby to use his. But unfortunately the rest of the world hasn't caught up yet and this is still technically considered "against the rules". So Diaby now gets hit with a 10-game suspension, which I didn't even know existed in the LNAH. I figured that the only way to get suspended is if you got arrested and then you just had to miss every game that you were still in jail for.

I just wish that he would have connected on a few of those. At least Tie Domi got his money's worth when a fan decided to climb into the box with him. 

h/t BarDown


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