I'm Still Not Over 63-Year-Old Ricky Morton Handing Out Canadian Destroyers And Suicide Dives This Weekend

All Elite Wrestling held its third pay-per-view this weekend, entitled ‘Full Gear’, headlined by Kenny Omega vs Jon Moxley in an UNSANCTIONED MATCH where the combatants were dragged through broken shards of glass, thrown through spotlights and other stage props, and had jagged barbed wire raked across their flesh…but all I’ve been thinking about since the conclusion of the show is Ricky Morton’s ridiculous fucking Canadian Destroyer/Suicide Dive combo.

Ricky Morton is 63 years old. He made his professional wrestling debut in 1978. The Rock N’ Roll Express apparently just never got the memo to start slowin down before they reach the station, though, because what this man did here can be described as nothing short of lunacy!

Yeah, I know the TAKER of the Canadian Destroyer is really doing the heavy lifting, and the Bucks helped Morton through it, but FUCK man! You never know with old guys. I feel like sometimes they turn too fast and croak! They definitely shouldn’t be firing off tope suicidas like they’re trying to fit in at PWG. It worked, though, because I still can’t believe my eyes!

Maybe Morton’s got that Keith Richards thing, where the only real danger is in him stopping wrestling. He stops, he’s done. If he just keeps going though? Expect the RNR Express to headline All Out 32 against the Bucks in a TLC match.

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