Mo Returns To KFC Radio This Week


This week’s KFC Radio guest is from your boy Maurice. The Philly/South Jersey/Rutgers/Brooklyn authority here at the Stool. I feel like I’m always seeing comments and tweets and emails that Mo is one of the most intelligent writers at Barstool. Always talking about all sorts of cultured shit.

Well lets see how he fares when we’re talking about farting popcorn and jerking off with grape jelly. Like I’m real glad you’re a learned man, Maurice. But thats not gonna help you here. Welcome to the Terrordome, once again.

Call up the Barstool hotline for this week’s episode – 646-80-STOOL (646-807-8665) Or you can leave us video voicemails on Instagram. Use the hashtag #KFCradio. You can always tweet me @KFCbarstool or email me Leave us questions/comments/stories, whatever, any way you can get it to us.

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