Nate Makes His KFC Radio Debut This Week


So if you missed the latest episode of Barstool Shorts, you missed A Very Barstool Thanksgiving. Nate made his cartoon debut…sort of. Nobody knows what Nate looks like or who he is really. He’s just this man of mystery making fun of people with cancer and shit down there in the DMV. So its time we unveil Nate Blog to the world. Tomorrow we’ll record an episode of KFC Radio Stoolie Voicemails and he’ll make his debut.

So nows your chance to leave voicemails, instagram videos, or email/tweet us with any questions or topics you want us to discuss. The DMV area is finally on the map with Barstool, so don’t be shy to mix it up on KFC Radio either. This is your show tomorrow.

Oh and don’t be afraid to leave instagram video submissions. I realize most Stoolies aren’t going to want to record their faces while asking questions about having sex with retards or some offensive shit like that. But last week we got an instagram video asking the now infamous Cream Cheese or Ketchup question. That ended up being one of the biggest debates on the Stool last week, so not everything needs to be horrendously disgusting to make it on air for good content. So like I said:

Call the Barstool Hotline – 646-80-STOOL (646-8078665)

Record yourself asking a question on Instagram video and use the hashtag #KFCradio

Or email me or tweet at me @KFCbarstool.

Its the debut of @BarstoolNate, everybody’s newest favorite blogger. Get involved.

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