Texas Tech Hoops Sold Out Its Home Opener Last Night So Now Head Coach Chris Beard Has To Go To A Fan's Wedding And Provide Whataburger

It all started with a simple tweet back in August. 

You shoot your shot of having your favorite team's coach officiate or at the very least come to the wedding. A simple how many RT's - the hottest game in Twitter streets that is completely overused. But what does it matter? Because Beard is awesome enough to go through with it. He didn't care about RT's, he wanted asses in the seats. Boom, the solution is just get these kids to show up to the game, he goes to a wedding in town. 

Well guess what happened? 

Beard is awesome, man. The dude just gets it. He talks about drinking beers at the Final Four. He’s one of the best coaches in the game. He’s turned Zhaire Smith and Jarrett Culver into lottery picks. He’s building something at Tech. And now he's going to show up to a wedding in the summer and provide Whataburger, his favorite meal. Even they know it's marketing for them. 

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