Gordon Hayward Just Had The Best Game Of His Career And Is So Goddamn Back

All season I've tried my hardest to hold back when it comes to Gordon Hayward. After wanting so badly for him to return to form last year only to watch him be consistently inconsistent I learned my lesson this around. Patience was key, don't overreact and let things unfold at their own pace. Then he started the season and looked quicker, more aggressive and way more assertive. Then it kept happening and I wrote this blog 

Well now after watching him have the best performance of his NBA career I can't hold it in any longer. I'm doing it. I'm declaring Gordon Hayward so fucking back it'll make your head spin. What we saw tonight was not only an aggressive Hayward, it was one of the few times as a Celtic we saw Hayward be the player we all hoped he would be in this system when they first brought him in. Right from the opening tip it was very clear that no Cav on the roster could match up with Hayward in any capacity. He started 9-9, finished 17-20 to go along with 7 rebounds and 8 assists including the game sealing OREB and putback. Every part of his game tonight was exactly what you want. He was aggressive early and often, he got to the rim with ease and the midrange was butter all night. Everything was done with a purpose and that's the best part in my opinion. Confident Hayward is a different player and tonight is a perfect example of that.

Last year we saw Hayward drop 30 and we had to worry about his consistency. This time around feels different because he's been rock solid every single night. He's healthy, he's comfortable, he is fucking BACK.

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