If Taking A Team Photo After A Win Constitutes A "Super Bowl Photo" Then The Ravens Have Won NINE Super Bowls Since Week 4 Last Year

Super Bowl #1 Week 4 2018 – Ravens 26, Steelers 14

Super Bowl #2 Week 6 2018 – Ravens 21, Titans 0

Super Bowl #3 Week 11 2018 – Ravens 24, Bengals 21

Super Bowl #4 Week 12 2018 – Ravens 34, Raiders 17

Super Bowl #5 Week 15 – Ravens 20, Buccaneers 12

Super Bowl #6 Week 17 – Ravens 26, Browns 24

Super Bowl #7 Week 1 2019 – Ravens 59, Dolphins 10

Super Bowl #8 Week 7 2019 – Ravens 30, Seahawks 16

Super Bowl #9 Week 9 – Ravens 37, Patriots 20

“The Ravens are your Super Bowl champions. Otherwise they wouldn’t be taking team photos, amirite?” – Jerry Thornton

“I just thought it was cute that November wins against the Patriots garner team photos like this. That’s all. It’s cute. I’m not even trying to shame them, you beat the Patriots. That’s a hell of an accomplishment and you should celebrate it to the max. The Patriots hadn’t lost since December 2018 so when you beat them in a regular season game in November 2019 that’s a big deal. Be proud of yourselves.” – John Feitelberg in his blog titled “I Love The Ravens Championship Team Photo Last Night”

“The Ravens! …See that team photo they took? Super Bowl photo? Reminds me of the Steelers when they beat us in the regular season and tweeted out “The Pick” like it was Dwight Clarke’s “The Catch” – Dave Portnoy on the Rundown yesterday

Dynasty. There’s no other way to put it. NINE Super Bowls in a little over a calendar year? NINE???

The football world has never seen this type of dominance before and they will probably never see it again. It’s unprecedented. I’ve got so many Super Bowl rings they’re coming out of my nose! I’m not sure my body can handle another parade down Pratt St. Every other day we raise a banner at M&T Bank Stadium. It’s sooo exhausting, I don’t know if I’m going to make it to year-end! That’s just the burden of being king of the mountain. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. This is the life we’ve chosen, there’s no turning back. Super Bowls all day every day. Lamar. Harbaugh. Banks.

Give me a fucking break. I was going to stay all the way out of the mud after this win because that’s all it was. It was just one win. To say it wasn’t worth a little more than most of the other wins would be foolish and an outright lie, this does have playoff implications for both teams. But I’m smart enough to know that at the end of the day nothing really matters unless we beat them in January. And even then, (another) postseason win over the Pats wouldn’t even begin to scratch the surface of matching what they’ve built and accomplished in New England.

But the rhetoric that the Ravens are treating this win much differently than any of their other ones is just flat out lazy. It’s tired rhetoric that we’ve all come to expect from the Patriots contingency. If it was just Portnoy that had said what he said, fine. He was on a flight during the game, landed and saw that the Patriots lost and just went back to the playbook. I get that. But to have essentially the whole gang up there pushing this narrative is disappointing. It’s lashing out and a misguided cry for attention. I understand that they have to go to battle every time they lose a regular season game and the morons on TV try to call it the beginning of the end for the Brady-Belichick era. I fully understand that and they’re 1000% correct to bash those who suggest it might be coming to an end. They’re 8-1. They’re defending champs. They’ve been the best team in the league all year through and through. Anyone with a brain knows that one game doesn’t change that.

It’s the lumping in with the antics of these other AFC wannabe franchises that really irks me. We don’t hang AFC Finalist banners. We don’t title regular season game-sealing interceptions as if they’re legendary plays in NFL history. That’s not to say we’ve been devoid of some antics by Suggs and co. over the years, but overall we generally stay in our lane and show up with our gloves on ready to throw our best punches in January. Hell, John Harbaugh is the only coach who has gone into New England on multiple occasions in January and come out with wins. He’s 2-2 and is a Evans/Cundiff meltdown and an undisciplined 9th string cornerback away from being 4-0 there. The 2 wins he had were asskickings through and through. If anyone has a right to act like they can stand up to the big bad bullies, it’s him. And he’s not doing that.

If you’re paying attention to how Harbaugh and his team reacted after that win, you’d see that they paid their respects to the Patriots and have their focus on the future. Some postgame quotes:

“The Patriots are a great football team. They’re a very, very well-coached football team. [They] always are, and they are again this year. I thought they played really well. They had a great plan, and it’s just a really good accomplishment to beat a team of that caliber. We’re proud to do it. We know it’s just one game. Just half the season is over. That’s it. We have half the season still to go. So, there are a lot of stories still to be written, and we’re moving on to the next game.” – John Harbaugh

“I’m focused on winning. We got it done today. We just have to build, get ready for [Cincinnati] next week.” – Lamar Jackson

“They are physical, they are tough, and you have to stay after them every single play. You have to make them earn it. They are a great team, all three phases, great coach, Super Bowl Champion. You’ve got to stay on them 60 minutes because Tom Brady can get it going at any time.” – Mark Ingram

The team celebrated with a team photo like they do after most wins. Big whoop, they like to have fun. If that’s wrong then I don’t want to be right. The team twitter account used the phrase “We know who we are”. Doesn’t address the Patriots in any way shape or form. It’s a reference to all the critics who said Lamar couldn’t cut it as an NFL passer and that the AFC North was the Browns’ or Steelers’ division to lose. It’s in Baltimore’s DNA as a city to have a chip on our shoulder and this team is proving them wrong on a near weekly basis. The Lamar criticism is a perfect parallel and that’s why he’s a perfect fit for this city, but that’s a conversation for another day.

Bottom line is you won’t find ANYTHING that shows that the Ravens are treating this win as anything more than it was. A win that keeps the train rolling towards the playoffs, where I hope and pray that we see the Patriots again. The whole nation should be rooting for that. The chess match that is Belichick vs the Ravens offense/Lamar is pornography for any football junkie. Belichick will go back to the drawing board and come up with a better answer for stopping him and you’re stupid if you think otherwise. But the Ravens have a lot of business to take care of first and that’s where this team’s focus has been since the moment the clock hit zero on Sunday night. And they’ll celebrate every bit of the way and I won’t apologize for it.

s/o to Brian Malan (@MaLoR) for compiling all these Super Bowl photos for me

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