Of Course Lance Stephenson Is Calling Out Jimmy Butler On Social Media For Talking Shit

What you thought just because Lance Stephenson is doing his thing in China he was going to let this slide? On what planet would that ever happen. Lance Stephenson doesn't exactly strike me as a guy who is down to let things like this go. I mean say what you want but Jimmy Butler is clearly throwing shade at Lance here. Talk about a ricochet shot. Lance is simply minding his own business dropping 34 in his first game in the CBA which is good for 2nd in the league, 

just trying to stay in shape for perhaps a return to the NBA later in the year. Well if you don't think Lance is crazy enough to get his ass on a plane and show up in Miami ready to give Jimmy Butler a piece of his mind well then you don't know Lance Stephenson. We all think Jimmy Butler is nuts right? A crazy competitor who doesn't take shit from anyone? Well Lance is that x100000. I'm sure Butler probably thought he was being complimentary but when you're dealing with a wild card like Lance you can't just assume he'll take it that way. He did call him a talented ass player but in my mind it was clearly a backhanded compliment.

All I know is somehow, someway this 1 on 1 battle needs to happen. I'd pay like $25 dollars for the PPV of that because you and I both know Lance would take it wayyyyyy too serious. Was Lance Stephenson the best NBA player? Eh, I mean it all depends on what you expect from him. He'll give you that high energy, tough defense, and mental warfare that made him a valuable piece to those Pacers teams. 

It's one thing to call Andrew Wiggins and KAT giant pussies to their face. It's another thing to take to the internet and throw dirt on Born Ready. Man do I need an Eastern Conference contender to sign Lance once the CBA season ends that hopefully has MIA on the schedule. Tell me you wouldn't watch that.

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