Woman Accuses Gynecologist Of Spraying Drano Up Her Pussy


Click here for video because of fucking autoplay - make sure you go to 2:00 mark to see them display the affects of vinegar on a hot dog. I guess hot dogs and pussies are similar?

WKYCA North Canton woman has accused her gynecologist of spraying her internally with the same chemical that is used in drain cleaner. Laura says she was undergoing what was supposed to be a routine gynecological exam called a colposcopy performed at her doctor’s office at Paragon Health in Summit County. It’s not unusual for a doctor to use vinegar when examining a woman’s private parts. Laura says her doctor used a spray bottle, much like the type you would use when ironing. According to a lawsuit, Laura says the word “vinegar” was marked on the side. The lawsuit names Paragon Health associate Dr. John Black and other unnamed employees as defendants. Laura accuses Black of squirting the liquid into the vaginal canal, saturating the cervix and the surrounding area. Immediately, Laura says she felt horrible and pain and burning. “It was like an open cut with rubbing alcohol being poured into it,” she said. Black and Paragaon did not return phone calls, but in their responses to the lawsuit, he maintains he sprayed what he thought was a vinegar liquid into her vagina. Paragon denies virtually all other allegations in the lawsuit. As it turns out, the solution wasn’t diluted vinegar. Laura and her husband Paul say the solution contained the chemical potassium hydroxide, the same chemical that’s used in drain cleaner to unclog drains and pipes.

Jiminy fuckin Cricket. Having a pussy is absolutely the worst thing imaginable. Put it this way – obviously getting some liquid plumber sprayed up your pussy is a goddam disaster, but what was actually supposed to be happening was spraying fucking vinegar up there. Before I read this article I would have thought pouring vinegar in a girl’s honey pot was medical malpractice. Nope! Turns out vaginas are so weird and complicated that flushing that shit out with vinegar is completely normal! What a fucking disaster those things are. Thank God they feels so good otherwise they would be completely awful. Maybe a little Drano ain’t a bad idea. Shoved some of those fuzzy, bendy pipe cleaners from elementary school up there. Really clean that cave out. Maybe you won’t need a monthly vinegar flood after that. Goodness fucking gracious.


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