Kawhi Leonard Officially Made Skip Bayless Bend The Knee And Kiss His Rings

What a sad and pathetic display from the #1 troll on the planet. For YEARS Skip Bayless has acted like Kawhi banged his wife or something and has done nothing but slander and discredit every single thing he's done since demanding his way out of SA. Skip, a well known Spurs fan took it personal and has been on a tear ever since

Just a fantastic display of a man so butthurt he can't even mention the player's name. He couldn't discredit Kawhi's Finals MVP fast enough and for the rest of us on the internet it was wildly entertaining that Kawhi Leonard seemed to be ruining this dude's life and give him multiple mental breakdowns. 

So what, just because Kawhi is actually as good as we all knew he was Skip wants to jump back on the bandwagon? Fuuuuuuuck that. If I was Kawhi's camp I would put out some sort of statement telling Skip he can kick rocks. You can't go from making it your life's mission to discredit everything Kawhi has done and then poof now suddenly he's the best player on the planet and you're back on board. Have a backbone for me one time Skip you sad little man. A lot of what he does is a schtick, I fully understand that, but with Kawhi and the Spurs it was something different, so to see him bend the knee like this is rough for his brand. 

Now of course, there's always the possibility that NB got in Skip's ear and this was all some free promotion for Kawhi's new shoe. If that's what happened then I can understand saying/doing whatever to secure the bag. My guess is that's what this all probably was. But if not, then Kawhi isn't just an NBA Dynasty killer, he's also a high end troll killer proving there really might not be anything he can't do.

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