Does This Look Like the Face of the Guy Who Called the Cops on Biebs?

TMZKeyshawn Johnson chased down a speeding Justin Bieber this weekend — and tried to confront the singer about his dangerous driving habits — but JB ran away like a scared little child … eyewitnesses tell TMZ. Sources tell us … Keyshawn — a former NFL superstar — had just left a party Sunday night inside of his exclusive gated community in Calabasas (with his child in the car), when Bieber zoomed by in his Ferrari at breakneck speeds. We’re told Keyshawn was furious — feeling Justin could’ve killed someone — so he brought his kid home, then chased after the singer in his Prius (yes, a Prius chasing a Ferrari). When KJ got to Bieber’s pad — he blocked Justin’s Ferrari in the driveway and got out of his car to confront Justin face-to-face … but Justin ran inside of his house and refused to come out. FYI — Keyshawn is 6’4″, 212 lbs … Justin’s about 5’7″, 110 lbs (soaking wet)… Witnesses told Sheriff’s deputies Bieber appeared stoned at the time.

So this is what Keyshawn has been reduced to?  Chasing after Bieber so he can give him a naggy lecture about highway safety?  I was never the biggest Keyshawn fan, but it’s a sad, sad day any time you see a former badass rebel grow old and boring.  This is like Baby Boomers seeing Alice Cooper doing ads for Callaway and playing the Bob Hope Pro Am; a reminder that everyone slows down eventually.  I mean, Keyshawn was practically the prototype of the mouthy, me-first, touches-counting egomaniac wide receiver.  He was the pioneer who blazed the trail for the generations of coach-killing narcissist wideouts that came after him.  He wrote  “Just Give Me the Damn Ball” when he was just a rookie, which is practically their Bible.  Hell, he practically invented the “C’Mon, mannnn!” segment on “Monday Night Countdown.”  Now he’s reduced to driving a Prius and narcing on every whippersnapper that guns the engine through his bucolic little gated community.  It’s only a matter of time before he’s yelling at clouds.  This is what The Clash meant when they said “You grow up and you call down and start working for the clampdown.”  Like I said, I never liked Johnson much, but when he wasn’t picking on harmless teenagers half his size I could at least respect him.  A sad day indeed.  @JerryThornton1


PS – Another world heard from…


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