Heartbreaking News To Report To Chicagoans: Late Night Drunk Food Hot Spot "Five Faces" Closes After 48 Years In Business


Longtime Division Street greasy spoon Five Faces Ice Cream closed yesterday at 10 W. Division Street after 48 years in business, an employee confirmed in a phone call. First opened in 1971, the cash-only late-night counter restaurant was an essential spot for late-night eats on the Division Street bar strip, with staff slinging Chicago hot dogs, gyros, ice cream, and more until 5 a.m. seven days per week.

Wanted to give a real quick ode to one of the best (former) late night drunk food spots in Chicago today.

You may be thinking to yourself, “what in the fuck is Five Faces Ice Cream?”, right now, and you’d perfectly justified in doing so.  But if you’ve ever spent a night on Division street in Gold Coast you’ve undoubtedly stumbled in this fine establishment without even realizing its name, and there’s not a shot in hell you ordered ice cream there.  I legit had zero clue it was called Five Faces Ice Cream until a few weeks ago because my cousin drunkenly left her purse there and she had to go there sober to pick it up the next day.

Look at the menu

Green Chili cheese burgers, Mexican food, gyros and Italian beefs and hot dogs.

Everyone has their favorite 4am drunk food spot.  That spot that is packed to the brim after all of the 2am bars close and where you stuff your face with the most foul, disgusting, greasy food possible before you pass out in your uber on the way back to your apartment.  Five Faces was one of those spots.

This is gonna hurt.  Now I’m gonna have to take an uber about 3/4 a mile away to another great late night eatery, Dog House Grill on Wells street.  A few doors down from Zanie’s that has BOMB burritos and mozz sticks.

We should lower the Chicago flag to half mast any time one of Chicago’s staple drunk food places close down.  This is a sad day and now I might be relegated to that other joint Dente gave what is perhaps the lowest pizza review in pizza review history:

Such a bad representation of Chicago pizza.  This place STINKS but a drunk guy’s gotta get his grub on.

PS late night drunk food rankings in Chicago:

5. Dimo’s Pizza
4. Cheesie’s
3. Dog House grill
2. Hollywood Grill/ Griddle 24
1. Fatso’s Last Stand

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