Does This Look Like the Face Of A Mother Who Got 6 Months In Jail For Mooning Her Son's School Bus?


Hamptonroads – A mother of a middle school student was convicted of disorderly conduct this week after mooning her son’s bus driver and the roughly 45 students riding the bus. Lisa Marie Grant, 34, of Suffolk was sentenced to six months in jail with all but one month suspended and fined $250 for the misdemeanor, according to court records. The conflict started when the John Yeates Middle School bus driver sent Grant’s son home with a conduct notice, a warning given before a discipline referral is written, Bethanne Bradshaw, a division spokeswoman, wrote in an email. Grant’s attorney, Steven Oser, said the mother wanted to talk to the driver about the notice, so she walked to the bus stop that November day with her son and a 4-year-old. According to the arrest warrant, the driver offered to talk to Grant through a side window but wouldn’t let her board the bus.Grant “became very irate and began cursing” before blocking the path of the bus, the warrant said. Then, the warrant stated, Grant exposed her buttocks and one breast. Oser said his client denies exposing her breast and only bared her underwear when mooning the bus.

6 months in jail for mooning a bus driver? Are you kidding me!? (Reggie Miller voice) That’s got to be the harshest penalty in the history of the world for mooning somebody. And who is this chick kidding saying she is 34? No you’re not. You’re 58.

PS – I’d moon the bus driver too if he wouldn’t let me talk to him face to face. Making me talk through those little windows that don’t even open right on buses. Fuck you. Here’s my ass.

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