It's Been Just Over 10 Years Since The Balloon Boy Hoax


The six-year-old who became known as ‘balloon boy’ after being roped into an elaborate hoax by his parents, who told the world he’d floated away in a helium flying saucer in 2009 when he had in fact been hiding in their attic, is speaking out along with his family 10 years later to insist they did not lie.

Falcon Heene, now 16, was interviewed by Good Morning America along with his parents, Richard and Mayumi, to commemorate the ten year anniversary of the bizarre stunt.

He was six when in 2009, his parents claimed he was trapped inside a homemade helium weather balloon which took off from their yard and drifted for 90 minutes before landing near their home in Fort Collins, Colorado.

The stunt caught the attention of millions. Worried viewers watched live footage of the balloon floating through the sky, terrified for Falcon’s safety, and the National Guard was involved in trying to land it.

As weird as it sounds, I truly think this was one of those “where were you” moments of my younger-ish days.  At least for me it was.  Shit your parents and grandparents reminisce on decades after the fact like Pearl Harbor and 9/11.  For me, one of those events was Balloon Boy.

I was sitting in my college house, probably skipping class my junior year of college, while myself and 4-5 of my roommates were completely fixated on our TV because apparently some little kid was floating away in a some weather balloon thing:

It was pretty wild.  I still don’t really know how this whole thing started and don’t really care because “6 year old floating away in a weather balloon hoax” is all I needed to get hooked because I have the attention span of a fruit fly, and once we realized the kid was fine and the parents were just attention seeking assholes, it made for good entertainment.  If it would have happened today, this would have gone absurdly viral.  Like more viral than anything that’s ever gone viral, viral.  Maybe.  Idk.  Anyways

But the parents, mostly the dad, are back at denying the whole thing:

And wouldn’t ya know it, the dad is doubling down, even after the kid ADMITTED that they “did it for show” in their original interview right after the whole ordeal.

How does some 6 year old kid just think to conjure up some lie like that?  It seems kinda impossible to me.

Whatever though it was hilarious in every way.  And the guy is pissed for getting called out by literally everyone for calling his bluff.  Such an asshole.  What a goddamn day that was.

Oh and apparently the kid and his siblings are in some heavy metal band now and no it’s not good at all.  I kinda hate these guys.

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