This Chinese Dude Carries His House Everywhere He Goes


MSN Liu Lingchao, who makes a living scavenging & selling plastic bottles for recycling, carries his home along the road in Liuzhou, China, on May 21. The simple hut weighs about 130 pounds & is made of bamboo poles, plastic sheeting & old bedding, according to media reports. ‘It saves me a lot of money on the journey,’ Liu said. ‘I feel free, I can go wherever I want to go, & I live on my own.’


Totally love this move from Liu Lingchao. Nomadic as a motherfucker. Who doesn’t wish they were at home all day, every day? I’ll tell you who doesn’t, Liu. Because he is home, living the dream. How often do you think, god it would be nice to be on the couch right now having a beer? Oh, every minute of every day? Yea me too. But not, Liu. Because that’s what he’s doing. He could be stuck in traffic, stuck in the office, stuck at his kid’s tee ball game, but you know where he really is? He’s home. Living the dream. It may look like a pile of bamboo and plastic bedding to you, but to guys like me and Liu, it’s where the heart is.

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