The World Deserves To See More NASCAR Fights

Rubbin’s racin’, baby. Rubbin is racin.

The thing I love about NASCAR fights is that they lead the world in most amount of “get back guys” per capita, and it’s not even close. As soon as a fight breaks out on the track, both pit crews immediately jump in and just start pulling bodies every which direction, with about 58 different dudes all screaming “stop” as if just saying the word stop has ever effectively stopped a fight before. It’s just a wonderful display of chaos and anarchy where nobody really gets seriously injured so it’s just a good ol’ time for everybody involved.

Personally I think the pit crews should have to operate like how they do during the actual races though. If two drivers want to get into a little bout of fisticuffs, the pit crews should only be allowed to jump in once the driver metaphorically needs a tire change or some gas. That way we at least get to see a few quality seconds of a 1v1 fight before all hell breaks loose and there are 40 different guys trying to break everything up. Think of it like a tag-team match. As soon as one of the drivers feels like he’s in over his head in the scrap, he can tag in the pit crew and then each pit crew can square off against one another. Just something to think about in the future.

Either way, love to see the boys getting after it. Turning left and chuckin’ knucks. That’s what NASCAR does, and that’s what I’m here for.


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