Tyson Chandler Out 4-6 Weeks



Thats why you don’t skip leg day at the gym folks.

Listen losing Chandler is a huge blow. Huge. The Knicks are already thin with their bigs. Bargnani, Amare, and Kenyon Martin all combined to make one mediocre big man basically. Chandler was the only defensive/rebounding presence they had. So I’m not gonna sugar coat this loss – 6 weeks without Tyson Chandler is a big, big issue.

But can we stop with the Sky is Falling attitude? We’re fucking 4 games in. Losing at home to the Bobcats is inexcusable, I know. Yes, Carmelo is shooting like 35% on the season. Dolan is crying about the Knicks City Dancers and chasing down his hand picked GM Mills. I’m not gonna say everything is in disarray. But if the Knicks were 3-1 right now or 4-0, we wouldn’t be proclaiming them NBA Finals contenders. So lets stop acting like the season is over at 1-3. Someone is going to need to step up to fill the Chandler void or things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better, but lets give ourselves more than 4 goddam games before we go cunceling anything.

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