It's Time To Renovate The Red Auerbach Center If Tacko Fall Can't Even Go To The Bathroom Without Getting A Concussion

(MassLive) - There are some challenges that come along with being 7-foot-5. One of them is being aware of how low certain ceilings are.

Before the Boston Celtics shoot around at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Fall explained to MassLive that he was trying to wash his hands after a workout at the practice facility but didn’t notice a “low ceiling."

Fall hit his head, but initially thought nothing of it. He later participated in the Celtics swim lesson event at the Charlestown Boys and Girls Club with no noticeable effects. He says he even went back to the Auerbach Center afterwards to get more work in.

Who has a lower ceiling, the Red Auerbach Center bathrooms or the 2019-20 Celtics season amirite?!?!?

I knew something didn't add up when the initial reports of Tacko's concussion came out

Then Brad said he got hit in the head doing individual work and the whole thing didn't make sense. Well now we know it wasn't a random elbow from a teammate, but instead was a "low" ceiling that took him not. Now I'd like to get an official measurement on this ceiling because technically aren't all ceilings "low" for Tacko? The Red Auerbach Center is brand new, and while I've never been I would imagine it's pretty nice and updated, with ceilings high enough for NBA players. But that's the beauty of Tacko, the Celts had no idea they would be blessed with his presence when it was built and now I'm afraid they have to consider tearing it all down and starting over. Or at least make severe renovations to Tacko-proof it. If he's going to be spending a ton of time there developing while also being in Maine I'm going to need reassurance that he's going to be able to at least go to the bathroom and wash his hands without getting a concussion. We can't be robbed of Tacko highlights because he's a DNP - Low Ceiling, that's simply unacceptable. 

Hopefully he's cleared and out of the concussion protocol by tomorrow because I'd love to see him get some minutes against the Raptors in the home opener before the G-League seasons starts and he heads to Maine. For the love of god though can someone please make sure there are ample signs all around the locker room at TD Garden so we can avoid another incident because we all have Tacko fever and our time with him is limited.

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