Anti-Gay Former Congressman Spotted At Yet ANOTHER Gay Circuit Party Dressed As A Naked Clown

Source - Disgraced Republican congressman Aaron Schock was wrapped around another man on Saturday night at the queer underground L.A. party Ostbahnhof, according to a photo tweet from Jonnie Reinhart, the drag queen who confronted Schock in September at the West Hollywood gay bar Revolver.

“The Party By Ostbahnhof puts queer people, people of color, trans/non-binary people, underprivileged people, disabled people, and our trusted family and friends first,” according to its RSVP page.

Headlines surrounding the former congressman have turned more personal in recent weeks after social media photographs showed Schock hanging out and traveling with various gay men.

Schock has never apologized for his support of a federal amendment to ban same-sex marriage or his support of the military’s ban on openly gay service members. He has denied he is gay when asked by the press.

This bitch. I wrote about him back in April after he was caught giving some guy a hand-doogen at Coachella…

Now apparently he’s “dressing” as a “naked” clown at Ostbahnhof in LA?

Puke. Also, buddy, it’s a COSTUME party. Wear a mask. Everyone and their mother hates you for what you did while you were in Congress, you can’t just show up to a party full of the people you fucked over and expect them not to call you out. That’d be like me walking into a house party in Detroit and asking for a can of Atwater.

Here’s how Twitter reacted:

You get the idea. There are also some wildly NSFW videos floating around online of him beating off on camera. It’s an okay dick, it’s just attached to an asshole.

You have to wonder whether or not he’s ever going to come out publicly. Is he ever going to muster up the courage to say what everyone already knows and apologize for what he’s done? If I had to guess, I’d say no. Guy’s like Aaron are comfortable living a lie. They’re comfortable deceiving and they’re comfortable hurting others to protect their own self-interest. It’s a sad, pathetic existence but one that’s all too common for politicians. Whatever. I’ll be back in a few months writing a follow up blog when he inevitably gets caught blowing a guy in an Applebee’s bathroom. At this point it seems par for the course.

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