Rory Addresses Brooks Koepka's Comments About Him: "What He Said Wasn't Wrong"


Here’s what I said in the original blog about Brooks Koepka’s comments:

I’ll be curious to see what Rory has to say about that Brooks quote. My guess? He’ll diffuse the whole situation and say something like, “He’s not wrong. I haven’t won a major in 5 years and he’s been incredible on the biggest stages in golf.” Rory doesn’t seem like the kind of guy is who trying to beef with anybody about anything. He just wants to play golf at a very high level, cash enormous checks and go home. If I had to put a percentage on it, I give it a .00000000000000000000000001% chance Rory fires back at Brooks with something salacious. 

Pretty damn spot on if I do say so myself. Rory is a pro’s pro when it comes to dealing with the media, no way was he going to get into a war of words with Brooks. He did exactly what I thought he would do which was diffuse the situation, laugh about it a little bit and not let it become a big deal. Rory even alluded to people taking the Brooks quote outta context and blowing it up into a whole thing. He knows what people want him and Brooks to have a heated rivalry and dislike for one another but it’s simply not gonna be like that. Yeah they’re both competitors playing at the highest level but they’re also friends. So I guess that’s that.

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