It's Insane That There Are Schools Who Make You Buy Your Scantron

So I went down to Carbondale to visit my old stomping grounds this past weekend for homecoming. On Friday I went to the bookstore to grab a shirt to wear to the tailgate and noticed this in line:

A damn scantron for 27 cents? At the bookstore? I fired off that tweet without thinking anything of it assuming people would think it's absurd too until I started getting some replies that it was normal:

I couldn't believe it. Where did these people go to school? Who are these schools that allow this to happen? Most kids have trouble remembering a pencil to fill the damn thing out let alone bring this as well. This should honestly be illegal with how expensive college is now a days. Work it into one of the million fees you have.

Kevin hit the nail on the head:

Where does it end? My best advice to any College student that is told to buy a scantron is to drop that class immediately then consider transferring and then possibly look into a trade.

P.S. - I didn't even mention the fact that it's the scantron with the E option either. FUCK the E option.

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