Marcus Smart Is Perfect

I've watched this video no less than 10,000 times and I'm having a hard time deciding what I love more. Is it Marcus Smart cutting up a damn rug with moves I wouldn't dare try even in the privacy of my own home? Is it the fact that Jaylen Brown is jumping around with the excitement of a kid on Christmas that just got his first video game system? I mean look at this face

Pure elation. Maybe it's the team chemistry and positive vibes oozing through my computer from two hugely important pieces of the 2019-20 puzzle? It also could be that this is all for a great cause at the 7uice Foundation Gala. Hell, who am I kidding it's all of the above and then some.

If this doesn't have you excited for Wednesday you may as well be a dead person. This team is back to having fun, everything we've seen from them on the court has been erotic, there's no drama and most importantly the captain of this team is ready for fucking war

I would follow this man into the depths of hell without question. This is what leadership looks like folks, now do the right thing and buy a goddamn shirt

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