A Hardo Revving His Engine Until Karma Engulfs His Entire Motorbike Takes Us Into The Weekend

If there is a better way to end your work week than with watching some dickhead rev his engine to the point his little motorbike engulfs in flames, I don't know what it is. Maybe a nice happy hour with friends or quiet time recounting the last five days with your significant other does the trick for some. But as a hermit during the day stuck with two kidsat night that has time for neither but has dealt with obnoxious neighbors and Two Wheel Hardos alike, watching that guy's bike turn into Third Quarter Klay while Arthur Fleck lost his marbles was the bees knees and the perfect way to transition into Friday night.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that unbelievable laugh sounds like the sped up version Hall of Fame laugh:

Have a great weekend everybody!

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