Tacko Fall Can Hit Threes Now So Buckle The Hell Up

Oh what, you thought the Celtics giving Tacko a Two Way contract was a joke? That he was only on this team to be some sort of freak show that had no chance of ever playing at this level? HA! You fool! Danny Ainge knew what he had when he first set eyes on Tacko destroying people in Summer League and now that he's shown to be just as destructive in his limited NBA preseason action it was a no brainer that they had to keep him in some capacity. As we know, to be a big in Brad Stevens' system you have to be able to stretch the floor. No ifs ands or buts about it. If you can't shoot threes you're just not going to sniff the court. That's why we saw Enes Kanter work on his threes this summer and they were so adamant about that becoming a new part of his game, and it's why we're now seeing Tacko get his Carsen Edwards on.

Now I know what you're going to say, something like "ohhhhh big deal an NBA player is making threes in an open gym with no defense, wow". Uhhhhh well wow is right when that player is a 7'6 monster who literally couldn't shoot coming out of college. He took ONE college three in his four years. Before this video his my brain I figured the only offensive advantage Tacko had was either dunking on heads without jumping or mastering his Kareem sky hook

What if I also told you that Tacko shot 50% from the FT line in the preseason? That may stink for most players, but he shot 36% last year at UCF and was a career 43% shooter in college. That smells like improvement to me. Not to mention he went 3/4 in their last preseason game so that appears to be on the come up as well. 

Listen, we know there are very slim chances we ever really see Tacko play with the NBA squad this season. That's perfectly fine. Get him in Maine and let him develop, that's the whole point of the Two Way. There's no need to rush him, but the more and more footage we see from Tacko whether it's how well he moves, to how he commands double teams, to how he dunks everything in sight to now shooting threes it's all wildly encouraging. He still has a LONG way to go, but if you're telling me one day he'll be able to at least somewhat be respectable from three in addition to making grown men look like children on a regular basis, well then sign me the fuck up.

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