Public Official Gets Caught Getting Blown In A Park. Must Write Public And Descriptive Apology Letter As Punishment


if that face doesn’t say “I just got caught getting my dick sucked by a dude and my wife is gonna be so mad” then I don’t know what does


WBLR —  Knox County Commissioner Jeff Ownby pleaded no contest Friday morning to the charge of public indecency. Now he will have to write a public and descriptive letter of apology in order to have the conviction wiped from his record. Ownby was arrested in May 2012 after police observed him engaging in oral sex with another man at Sharp’s Ridge Park in North Knoxville. Ownby’s lawyer, Greg Isaacs, asked Judge William Brewer from Blount County to issue a sentence of judicial diversion, meaning the conviction could be wiped from Ownby’s permanent record.  Special appointed prosecuting attorney William Brownlow Marsh of Cocke County opposed the diversion sentence. Ultimately, Judge Brewer decided to grant Ownby diversion because it allows conditions to be placed on the sentence.  Brewer said denying diversion would mean Ownby could simply pay a $500 fine and leave with the conviction on his record. Brewer said Ownby must write a letter of apology that explicitly describes what took place at Sharp’s Ridge in the type of verbiage the prosecution would use rather than the “carefully crafted” and vague terms the defense has used to this point.  Until now, Ownby has not made any specific statements about the incident other than through his attorney’s comments that the commissioner was “remorseful” for his “actions.” Brewer said the letter must apologize to Ownby’s wife, family, friends, colleagues, and “most importantly, the constituents and citizens of Knox County.”  The letter will be distributed to local media and also submitted as part of the official minutes of the next Knox County Commission meeting. The letter is due to Judge Brewer by noon on Friday.


Oh shit did I forget to mention that he’s married and was getting blown by a dude? Whoops!


In all the punishments I’ve ever heard, this might be the worst. Just a RUTHLESS ruling from Judge William Brewer of Blount County. But I guess when you get caught being gay in a public place then odds are you’d like prison too much. Gotta think of a more unique punishment. Still, this is a bit much. This borders on cruel and unusual. I mean a “descriptive” letter about getting your dick sucked by a dude is bad enough. But having to personally apologize to everybody in the county? To your wife and kids and colleagues and friends? Having your gay blowjob story distributed to local media?!? No fucking way. Jeff Ownby has to take the Jodi Arias way out on this one: fucking KILL ME.

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