Intel Nerd Suing After He Got A "Kick Me" Sign Put On His Back And Cried


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Intel workers secretly taped a “Kick Me” sign to the back of a co-worker as a prank, then kicked the confused man a number of times as employees at the Rio Rancho Intel plant laughed hysterically at the episode, according to a federal lawsuit. The Intel employee, Harvey Palacio, said in the complaint recently filed in Albuquerque that once he suspected something was taped on his back during the August prank, he went to senior staffer Randy Lehman to ask if something was there. “Lehman said turn around and as Palacio did he saw and heard (another employee) yell out `Don’t read it, just do it’,” the lawsuit said. Lehman then kicked Palacio three times in his buttocks, according court documents. Another employee, Chris Zeltinger, who the lawsuit said exchanged Christmas gifts with Palacio, kicked him twice as he was seeking help to remove the sign. “Palacio decided that this could not continue and walked back in front of the group to ask someone else to remove it,” the lawsuit said. “Palacio felt demoralized and assaulted and he began to cry during the drive home. He could not tell his wife because he was so embarrassed and ashamed.”


I absolutely love the crying in the car move from Harvey here. The car is the only place a man is allowed to cry. I honestly think any time I’ve cried since I was 16 I’ve been behind the wheel. In theory it sounds brutal. It must look disgusting. But that’s the point. In the car, you control your audience. Don’t want anyone to see you? Don’t have to let anyone. Just turn down a quiet road, turn up the Tears in Heaven, and let it all out. Then you wipe your eyes clean, walk into your house, kiss your wife, and pretend that you didn’t just get bitched out by an office full of Intel nerds who put a “Kick Me” sign on your back and literally kicked your ass. Like a man does.


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