Reader Email – Rate This Jaromir Jagr Birthday Cake My Brother's Wife Made Him


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My brother and I are big hockey Bruins fan, he recently got married (two weeks ago) to a woman who is a pretty big Bruins fan as well. Just look at the top of their wedding cake. Now any girl that’ll let this fly on her wedding day as to be pretty amazing right? Well today is my brothers birthday so what does she do? whips up a little Jaromir Jagr face cake, but with my brothers face in it. Visor included. The mullet is cake too. this girl needs to be on the food network or something.

I think this guy may have the best wife ever. My only concern about dating or marrying a chick like this would be that you know a Bruins player could cuckhold you at any time. But this guy would probably enjoy it so I guess it doesn’t matter.

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