Cleveland News Host Calls Lady Gaga's Music "Jigaboo Music" Right Next To Her Black Co-Host




Now this, this is what I need to get me going on a Monday morning. Some super awkward racial tension right in my face. Just a white prissy chick talking about Jigaboo music live on air while her grizzled black co-host stares DAGGERS into her soul. That’s what happened too, that stare was perfection. It took him a second to register what was said but when he did, he gave her the “You stupid ass cracker, do you realize what you just fucking said?” stare. Love every second of that bumbling attempt at a clean up too, just awkwardly laugh and hope no one caught it even though everyone did.






Calling Lady Gaga’s music Jigaboo might be one the whitest things ever said. If Gaga does Jigaboo music I would love to see this chick explain DMX or Tech n9ne. Probably also thinks guns in America are because of Grand Theft Auto and that wearing baggy clothes leads to crack addiction.




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