Boxer Calls Out Website For Sexism After Saying Her Lingerie Weigh In Kiss Was More Interesting Than Her Fight

The woman you are looking at above is named Ewa Brodnicka (not sure the dogs name). She is a boxer from Poland. At her most recent weigh in, she showed up in a very interesting outfit:

This fella was PUMPED about it:

During her stare down with her opponent, Ewa decided to intimidate her opponent in a bizarre way: with a kiss.

After the fight occurred (which she won), a Polish website said her weigh-in moment was more entertaining than the fight itself.

SOURCE-After the fight, Polish sports outlet Sportowefakty were less than impressed with the action, and reported that the pre-fight smacker was “more entertaining” than any smack delivered in the ring.

“Although female boxing matches don’t usually impress, this weigh in may whet your appetite,” the article read.


In response, Brodnicka blasted back at the site and what she saw as discrimination, tagging the piece in an Instagram story with the caption, “Sexist article. Although usually fights don’t impress you???”

Hell yeah, Ewa. My only problem: she should’ve challenged that blogger to a fight. Something along the lines of “come out from your mom’s basement and come fight me.” I’m not sure if that plays in Poland, though. Do Polish bloggers blog from their moms basement? Who knows. I do know Ewa is a bad ass, though.

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