Does This Look Like The Face Of A Dude Who Punched A Chick In The Face Because She Wouldn't Take His Expired Coupon At Carvel?


Fox – A Long Island man faces charges after an alleged violent confrontation over an expired free ice cream coupon, reports. William Hotz, 59, of Valley Stream, went into a Carvel on Dutch Broadway on Wednesday and ordered a $3.50 ice cream cone, Nassau County police say. Police say after receiving his cone, Hotz gave the 55-year-old woman working at the counter a “one free ice cream cone” coupon. The woman told Hotz that his coupon was expired and he would need to pay for it, the report said. Hotz decided to leave instead of paying. The woman confronted Hotz outside of the store. That’s when police say that Hotz punched her several times in the face. The victim reportedly suffered a cut and swelling to her lip. Police showed up and Hotz refused to be handcuffed and flailed his arms and twisted his body, according to officers. Back-up arrived and Hotz was finally arrested.


Wait a minute.  Since when did Carvel start selling individual ice cream cones?  Is that just a New York thing?  Because I thought they only sold ice cream cakes for white trash birthday parties and shit?  Anyway I wonder what this 55 year old lady thought was going to happen when she confronted this dude?  That he was going to go quietly into the night?  I mean everybody knows that only lunatics and chicks use coupons.  So if a dude shows up at an ice cream store with a coupon he’s obviously gonna use it whether it’s expired or not.   And if you try to stop him you’re going to get punched in the face 1,000 out of 1,000 times.

PS – Carvel is white trash by the way?


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