Not Great! Lamar Odom Caught Playing With His Cock And Balls On National Television

Source - Lamar Odom was feeling a little contained below the belt as he waited on deck at “Dancing with the Stars” — so he made a BIG adjustment which was caught on camera.

The former NBA superstar grabbed his crotch and aggressively shifted the family jewels Monday night during the live broadcast. The ‘DWTS’ cameras caught ALL the action … to be fair, it was hard to miss … right after Hannah Brown finished her dance.

Look, I get it. Sometimes things mash together and you need to shake them out in order to gain separation. Especially when you’re in a suit. But there’s a time and a place for everything, Lammy. You couldn’t have waited thirty seconds until they cut to the other camera?

It’s not like he did a quick pinch and lift either, he went for the full blown shake down. A complete rearranging of the family jewels. Which is a move that should only be reserved for the privacy of your own home or the steam room of an Equinox Sports Club. I actually feel bad for him because we’ve all been in his situation. You can see the desperation in his eyes…

Poor guy looks like a kid who just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. But hey, adjusting yourself on national television is much better than overdosing on crack in a Las Vegas brothel, so he has that going for him. He also crushed his Viennese Waltz:

Baby steps. We’re headed in the right direction.

Which brings me to my final point. If you’re an adult male, and you touch your dick every time you talk (you know who you are), you need to go to the doctor. I don’t know what it is about some guys, but the second they start talking, they start playing with themselves. Everyone has that one friend who does it. It’s kind of like a broey thing, but it’s kind of not? It’s like they want you to look at their dick so they can call you gay for looking at their dick even though they’re drawing attention to their dick. It’s bizarre.  Have some self awareness, idiots.

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