Italian Police Discover MASSIVE Marijuana Grow House Behind A Secret Shower Door

There is absolutely nothing cooler and more bad ass than secret doors. I like to think about how many rooms I’ve been in that I didn’t know held a secret door or hidden passage way. Every room I’ve ever been in – especially those of which containing book shelves – I’ve thought about the ideal spot for a secret vault of some sort. If I ever became mansion rich it would be the first thing I’d design, leading down a long passageway to a gassed up cigarette boat sitting in water that would allow me to escape out to the bay should things go awry. But that’s a different story for another time.

Back to this real world secret grow operation: While I appreciate the design and general idea, this is simply too large of an operation to hide behind a goddamn shower. That thing is a fucking warehouse and clearly much larger than the living space it is attached to. This looks like a scene from PINEAPPLE EXPRESS more so than an Italian underground grow op. Even after reading the word “massive” in the initial tweet my jaw still hit the floor when the camera revealed just how fucking massive that setup was. When I read “shower” I immediately thought a dozen, maybe two dozen plants at best. Not an entire separate building filled with more plants than most state parks. I appreciate the gusto that these growers had when they decided to go full bore into this line of business but perhaps this was a tad too brazen for the ol’ fake shower front.

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