Jets Cut Tim Tebow


This is a sad, sad day for me.  I’m keep trying to take comfort in the thought that Tim Tebow will land somewhere and that the NFL hasn’t seen the last of his special brand of magical holy divine winning power.  But no matter where he winds up, it’ll never be the same for me.  Tebow with the Jets was something special.  I asked the Good Lord to send Tebow to New York and in His infinite wisdom he answered my prayers and it was everything I ever could’ve hoped it would be.  The media circus.  The ridiculous amount of hype. ESPN anchors furiously masturbating under their desks at the mere mention of his name, male and female. The only backup QB to ever get his own press conferences.  The way they absolutely never had the first fucking clue of what to do with him.  But mostly, it was Tebow’s on-the-field performance I’ll never forget.  He was going to do it all: QB, run the Wildcat, catch passes as a TE, be the personal protector on the punt team.  And his Jets career stats tell the tale: 6 for 8 passing for 39 yards, 32 rushing attempt for 102 yards, 3.2 average.  And zero touchdowns.  No matter where he goes, we’ll never be able to recreate that kind of magic.  Sure, I can wish Tebow and the Jets stayed together longer.  But some stars just burn too hot to last long so they flame out.  Wherever Tebow winds up, whatever his future holds, we’ll always have New York.  @JerryThornton1


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