The Most Improbable Streak In Professional Sports Has Come To And End

No sport produces better weird numbers than baseball. Maybe cricket or jai-alai or some shit does but that’s really not the point here. The point here is that from 2015-2018, over the course of 2,356 plate appearances, playing in both the American and National League, you could set your watch to the fact that Khris Davis was going to hit exactly .247. And on the penultimate day of the regular season, with Davis sitting at .218, that streak appears to be coming to a close. And that makes me tremendously sad.

As of today Khrush has gone 104-for-476 over 131 games played this season. He would have to go 19 for his next 21 to get back to .247. Which, considering the A’s have already clinched a playoff spot AND only have two games left on their schedule, feels downright impossible to even get the 21 at bats necessary to even attempt this feat. I hope I’m wrong. I’d be the happiest person on the planet to have called this one too early. Nothing would put a wider smile on my gap-toothed face than watching the A’s play multiple 20-inning games over these final two days so that Davis could rack up 21 at bats while mashing single after single to get that average back where it belongs. I’d gladly print out this column and eat it* should I have been too early to count out destiny. Scout’s honor, you have my word.

*have it printed out and put on one of those sheet cakes you get from the grocery store. Hand to the most high I’ll do it.

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