New Study Shows Porn Doesn't Influence Our Sexual Behavior As Badly As We Thought


(Time)Studies have linked porn consumption to sexual aggression, problems with intimate relationships and losing one’s virginity at an earlier age. But the influence of sexually explicit material on some risky behaviors may be more modest than previously thought. In a new study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine, four Dutch researchers argue that previous studies on the subject have been too narrowly focused when it comes to drawing a connection between X-rated materials and negative outcomes. Such research has often asked some form of the same question: whether what people see will affect what people do—and the results didn’t paint porn in a flattering light. The latest study found that the connection may be less significant than other studies have suggested, though the work still provided plenty of support for the anti-pornography contingent.


This was always pretty obvious right? Everyone knows I talk about porn more than your average guy. Hell, I talk more about porn than some chick whose dad didn’t love her while she’s in a booth at an Exxxotica convention. But when it comes to the bedroom? Pretty timid. Shocking, I know. But my actions in the sheets are more comparable to a kid on prom night than anything I’ve ever seen on the internet.

But I’ll tell you what, women are breathing a sigh of relief here. The last thing, the VERY last thing, they want men to do is be influenced by porn. That’s a recipe for disaster. No girl wants me walking in and saying “K so I just did a little research. I’m gonna tie you to the bed, this toy right here is gonna go in your ass, now what you’re going to need to do is twist your torso at about a 63 degree angle… yup, that should do it… and when your hot roommate comes in stage left she’s going to start kissing you and jerking me off. No, no you can’t get mad about that. That wasn’t how it happened in the movie.”

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