A Car Winding Up On The 606 Trail Is Funny Every Time


Per r/Chicago

Watched a regular person drive their car down half the 606 this morning

I was out for a run today when I first spotted a silver SUV type car driving down the 606. I first saw him around a quarter mile from the West end of the trail.

Seemed a little odd but thought it could be a cop or landscaper until I looked inside and saw it was an Asian dude in a button down shirt.

He proceeded to KEEP DRIVING for well over a mile which took him all the way to the bridge near Western. He took a short break where I believe I heard a landscaper yelling at him in Spanish. You’d think that at any point in time, he would have thought to get off the trail but you’d be wrong.

Finally a bunch of cops came on to the 606 and got him out of the car. I caught that the guy was “just following his GPS” and had only lived here for two months. I don’t feel bad for him at all though. I’m just glad he didn’t hurt anyone.

The cops walked him off the 606 and drove the car off themselves and thus ended one of my more exciting runs. I don’t have any pictures but if someone else does, share them.

You have to understand this isn’t an easy mistake to make. Note that the redditor found it necessary to say they say a regular person do this. I mean you have to drive over a curb and onto the sidewalk in order to even get your car onto this trail. Siri’s already screaming “RE-CALCULATE” from the rooftops before you can even merge. Then you make it up there and see not a single car nor street light in sight. Just morning joggers and bicyclists.


And then you see all that going on while you’re doing 30 in your SUV and think “this seems right.” We all make mistakes but like at what point do you not realize. No one got hurt, driver got a slap on the wrist, just some good old-fashioned funny here. God bless the 606.


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