Body of Sunil Tripathi Found



PROVIDENCE, R.I. ( – Police have confirmed that a body found in the water at a Providence, R.I., park is that of missing Brown University student Sunil Tripathi. Members of Brown’s crew team found Tripathi’s body Tuesday afternoon in the water off India Point Park.The 22-year-old was last seen March 16 at his apartment near the Brown campus. His cell phone, credit cards and ID were all left behind in his home. Investigators, relatives and friends had been exhaustively searching for him ever since.


So I guess he wasn’t the guy after all?  Seriously though horrible week for Sunil Tripathi.  He went from missing to a terrorist to not a terrorist to officially dead. Kind of crazy timing for his body to be found right? Oh well as a guy who fingered him for the Marathon bombings I can only say I hope he rests in peace now and that his family can get some closure without assholes like me saying he’s a terrorist.   RIP Sunil Tripathi.

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