Joaquin Phoenix Shits Down His Leg During Interview About "Joker" Inciting Violence, Just Ups And Leaves


Joaquin Phoenix stormed out of an interview when asked if his “Joker” could incite unhinged fans with a “mass-shooter mindset.”

The 44-year-old actor, who got an 8-minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival for his portrayal of the deranged villain, flipped when probed by The Telegraph‘s film critic, Robbie Collin.

“Aren’t you worried that this film might perversely end up inspiring exactly the kind of people it’s about, with potentially tragic results?” the critic asked Phoenix, noting his Joker was “an unstable, self-pitying loner with a mass-shooter mindset.”

“Why? Why would you…? No… no,” the star asked, walking toward Collin to clasp his hands before walking out on him, according to the UK paper.

Phoenix finally returned to finish the interview after an hour’s “peace-brokering” with a Warner Bros PR, Collin said.

Let me be the first to say “I feel ya, dawg.  I FEEL YA.”  There is NOTHING worse that being asked questions on TV.  It’s a a nerve-racking experience.  Sure Joaquin here is a little polished in, ya know, public speaking and shit but even the most prepared people have their bad moments.  All of the bright lights shining on you, people watching and waiting for you to fuck up just so they can make fun of you in internet comment sections.  It’s a traumatizing setting.  Take it from me:

It doesn’t matter if you’re being asked a question about breaking what could eventually go down as the worst trade in baseball history or a question about how your movie might incite mass murder.  In the end, sometimes nerves will just get to you.  It happens to the best of us, even creative geniuses like me and Phoenix.  He chose to up and leave, I chose to fight that goddamn piece of gum until bitter death.

Not that stuff isn’t important.  A blip in the radar for Phoenix.  Nobody will make fun of him in internet comment sections years after the fact.  Instead what I’d like to do is focus on the movie itself:

The report also cites that Phoenix got an 8 minute standing ovation at the Venice Film Festival for his performance.  I’ve seen Entourage like a billion times and know how those snooty assholes act at Film Festivals like Sun Dance and Cannes.  If a movies great, they cheer for seemingly hours on end.  If it stinks they don’t even give the directors time to do a Q and A.   8 mins is a good sign for all of us.  This movie is going to be the tits.

The reviews for the movie are A+ so far.  “Oscar worthy” is a phrase being thrown around quite a bit.  I’m not a huge “go to the movie theater” guy at all.  I wanna say the last 3 movies I saw in theaters were Django, Inglorious Basterds and Moneyball and those are obviously pretty old at this point, but I’m already planning to see Joker in theaters, that’s how good the reviews are thus far.

The trailers sold me:

I remember thinking that if anyone could outdo Heath Ledger’s version of the trailer (or at least do The Joker justice) that’d it’d be Jared Leto.  I mean, the guy apparently lived in a crackhouse in NYC to get to know the life of a junky so he could knock his role in Requiem for a Dream out of the park.  That’s how dedicated to his craft he is.  Just a total lunatic.

Well he got his shot in Suicide Squad and that movie absolutely fucking SUCKED.  Just a god awful movie.  But next on the list is definitely Joaquin Phoenix.  Another A1 actor who’s also seemingly fucked up enough in the head to really put on a show as one of the most fucked up villains in WB’s history.

The guys at Lights, Camera, Barstool will be all over everything “Joker” once it’s released about 10 days from now.  Go subscribe to their podcast now!

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