Have We Talked About This Alien They're Trying To Pass Of As A Human?


DM Ten years after the mummified remains of a six-inch supposed ‘space alien’ were first discovered they have been confirmed as ‘human’ by scientists in a new documentary film Sirius. Since the remains of the small humanoid – known as the ‘Atacama Humanoid’ and nicknamed Ata – were discovered in Chile’s Atacama Desert 10 years ago there has been much speculation about its origins. Theories have included that the bones were those of an aborted fetus, or a monkey, or even an alien that had crash-landed on earth. In the new documentary, a DNA sample from bone marrow extracted from the specimen, was analyzed by scientists at a prestigious American university. They concluded that it was an ‘interesting mutation’ of a male human that had survived post-birth for between six and eight years. ‘I can say with absolute certainty that it is not a monkey. It is human – closer to human than chimpanzees. It lived to the age of six to eight,’ said Garry Nolan, director of stem cell biology at Stanford University’s School of Medicine in California.


Hey I’m not a conspiracy theorist who thinks the government has basements of alien ships and species being kept from us. But I’m also not an idiot. I got two eyes, a brain, and an elementary (literally) understanding of medical physiology.

So Garry Nolan, knowing what kind of great mind you’re talking to, are you still gonna try and tell me that’s a human? With a straight face? Because it ain’t. That’s an alien. I know that because I can see it. I judge books by covers. So if you’re a 15 cm skeleton with 9 ribs and a head that’s, well, an alien head, I know you’re not a human male that lived for 6-8 years after birth. You’re an alien. Welcome ta Earf!

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