Do These Look The Faces Of A Florida Couple That (Allegedly) Had Sex In The Back Of A Cop Car After Being Arrested For A DUI?

Miami Herald- A Florida couple face a list of charges after a deputy said they had sex in the back of his patrol car. The Nassau County deputy originally arrested 31-year-old Aaron Thomas and 35-year-old Megan Mondanaro on DUI charges. And then things got a little frisky in the back seat. According to an arrest report, a deputy observed the couple riding bikes with no lights in the middle of South Fletcher Avenue. After they narrowly escaped being hit by a car, the deputy pulled them over. He noted that the couple smelled from alcohol and had bloodshot eyes.

Eventually, the deputy placed the couple in the backseat of his patrol car. That’s when the couple started going at it. “While I was outside of my patrol vehicle, Megan and Aaron took their clothes off and started to have sex,” the deputy wrote. “When I opened up the door to stop them, Aaron was naked and Megan had her pants down.”

Don’t do it, Barstool reader. Don’t you dare shame these two lovers for getting busy in the back of a cop car simply because of the two letters at the end of their mailing address. I know Florida has completely earned its reputation for being known as the place where the wild things are. However, there is no way you can blame Aaron and Megan for bumping nasties in the back of a cop car when you take into account the entire story.

Let’s set the scene. These two crazy kids went out for a romantic bike ride as many lovebirds do on what I imagine was a muggy Florida night. That right there is enough to make the loins yearn for another. Throw some booze as well as a near death experience on top and you have a combustible situation below the waist for anyone with a pulse and/or a plethora of substances flowing through their body. The fact they didn’t ravage each other as the Almost Died adrenaline coursed through their veins along with whatever I was influencing them to get that DUI.

However, placing them next to each other in a Top 10 place that is taboo to have sex in is basically entrapment. That cop basically threw napalm into a fireworks factory and begged these people to unleash their carnal desires upon each other. Did the trooper do it for the show, the story, to hit a quota, or because he wanted a little bit of funk in his squad car? I don’t know. But to charge this couple with anything other than being human would be wrong, even before we get to the ridiculousness of giving someone a DUI for riding a bike while they are mayyyybe drunk and/or stoned. Which is why it would be deplorable for you or I to shame these star-crossed lovers from our computers for doing what fate was begging them to do despite all the obstacles like a junkyard Romeo and Juliet, regardless of if they happen to live in a state infamous for sexual and criminal tomfoolery.

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