California Creates An "Eraser Button" For People Who Want Stuff They Posted On The Internet Taken Down

Huff Po – California teens get an online “eraser button” under a law signed by Gov. Jerry Brown on Monday. The law makes California the first state to require websites to allow people younger than 18 to remove their own postings on that website, and to clearly inform minors how to do so. “Kids and teens frequently self-reveal before they self-reflect,” Jim Steyer, CEO of Common Sense Media, told The Huffington Post. “In today’s digital age, mistakes can stay with and haunt kids for their entire life. This bill is a big step forward for privacy rights, especially since California has more tech companies than any other state.” The law is meant to help protect teens from bullying, embarrassment and harm to job and college applications from online posts they later regret. In a 2011 Kaplan surveyof college admissions counselors, nearly a quarter said they checked out applicants’ social networking. Of those counselors, 12 percent said what they found — including included vulgarities, alcohol consumption and “illegal activities” — negatively affected applicants’ admissions chances. Major social media sites — Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vine — already allow users of any age to delete their posts, including photos and comments. California’s “eraser button” law will require this policy for all websites with users in the state.

Sure thing, California! An eraser button. We’ll just erase that picture of you sucking dick or twerking naked or tweeting stupid shit. No problem.

Can you fucking imagine somebody emailing Dave Portnoy being like “Hi, I’m that girl you posted stripping at the party, you have to delete that from your website because I have the Eraser Button. My local congressman says the Eraser Button automatically deletes it from the internet.” I think he’d go to jail before he took something off of Barstool because of the Eraser Button. It just absolutely blows my mind how people still don’t understand how the internet works. They say shit goes “viral” for a reason. Because it spreads fucking everywhere and it can’t be stopped. You post a picture of your pussy on twitter and its instantly everywhere. Screenshotted and bookmarked and stolen and ripped and copied and cached and all that other shit. No “Eraser Button” can stop that. You can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube and once the internet knows you’re a slut there’s no erasing it. Doesn’t matter how old or young you are. Male, female. Hot, ugly. Rich, poor. Whatever. The internet ruins lives with zero prejudice and thats all there is to it.

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