Can The Injury Gods Please Leave Isaiah Thomas The Hell Alone

Man, life sure does come at you fast. Just the other day we all watched Isaiah cruise around on a scooter high as hell loving life in his munchie driven pursuit of some quality Shake Shack

and now here we are today learning he’s going to be out 6-8 weeks after some thumb surgery to his left hand which is kind of important seeing as how he’s left handed. Man does that stink out loud. After finally being 100% healthy and basically missing two years with that hip injury, everything was lining up for Isaiah to truly show us if he’s back given the opportunity he has in Washington. John Wall’s out, Satoransky isn’t there anymore, and outside of Ish Smith there isn’t a point guard on the roster with legit NBA experience. There was a real opportunity with real minutes/shots available for Isaiah to prove he still has it and that’s why this news sucks. Now 8 weeks isn’t season ending or anything like that, in fact 8 weeks from today is November 13th, a date that just to happens to have the Wizards traveling to Boston. After what we saw when he returned with Denver last season

maybe it’s fate that Isaiah is out until that game, I dunno the whole thing just sucks. I don’t care if you’re not a Celtics fan, or maybe you’re a butthurt Cavs fan that is upset that trade didn’t work out for you, but if you’re a basketball fan you have to feel for this dude. He goes out and puts his body and career on the line when he didn’t have to, his injury blew any chance he had at a MASSIVE payday after a Top 5 MVP/All NBA season, and then it was setback after setback with that hip that cost him two years of his prime. When he made his debut last February he talked about how pumped he was to be back

If you aren’t rooting for Isaiah then I’m sorry, you’re just an asshole. Things obviously didn’t work out in Denver, the facts were he did not outplay Monte Morris for minutes. But now after a full summer of working out and being healthy you have to feel for a guy that now has another setback. The Injury Gods are real assholes if you ask me, pick on someone else and let Isaiah get back to getting buckets because when he’s right he’s an offensive wizard (no pun intended but intended).


Yeah, I’m man enough to admit I teared up a little again when I watched that tribute video. So what.

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