Social Media Owes Sunil Tripathi An Apology For Saying He Was The Terrorist


NEW YORK CITYIn a bizarre twist in an ongoing mysterious yet tragic story, Sunil Tripathi, the 22-year-old Brown University student who has been missing since March 16, was one of America’s most wanted criminals for several hours early Friday, at least in the eyes of the media. The 6’2’’ 130-pound senior, who is from Radnor, Pa., and has an Indian father and an American mother, was falsely cited on social media as one of the Boston Marathon bombers before his name was cleared in connection with the attacks. The rumors first started when registered users of social news site Reddit speculated that Tripathi was the suspect with the white hat in the photos that the FBI released. Suspicion soon spread through thousands of tweets, retweets and blog posts after reports circulated that the Boston Police Department scanner had declared the missing undergraduate to be one of the bombers. Many of those tweets have since been deleted.

One blogger, Perez Hilton, tweeted that Tripathi was still on the run and believed to be armed with explosives, while the entertainment site Global Grind also said that he was a suspect and came from a “well-to-do family” and that “his father is a rich software engineer.” Your Anonymous News tweeted Tripathi’s name as one of the two bombers that the police had identified on the scanner. A recording of the scanner, which The Atlantic embedded on its Web site along with an article that details how the accusations started, shows that Tripathi’s name was never mentioned. And within a few hours, the police officially released the names of the bombers – Chechnyan brothers Dzhokhar Tsarneav, who is now in custody, and his brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, who was shot dead by police earlier today.

Fucking Perez Hilton huh? Hey asshole. You can’t just go around calling people terrorists who aren’t terrorists. Seriously what type of irresponsible idiot does that? I swear guys like Perez Hilton, Global Grind, Reddit, give internet manhunters like me a bad name. I didn’t hear the the police scanner say Sunhil Tripathi did you Perez? Were you even listening to the police scanner? Do you even internet manhunt bro? Probably not. This gayball was probably all snuggled up in a blanket somewhere just throwing out wild accusations while guys like me and Big Cat were in the trenches manhunting our balls off. It’s a joke.  Yeah I know I said Sunil was the terrorist too, but that was in the middle of the manhunt.  There were interent bullets flying everywhere.  Shit happens.  Anyway here is what I’m going to do to make up for all the idiots who said Sunhil Tripathi was the terrorist. I’m gonna flat manhunt his ass back to life. That’s right Sunhil. I don’t know where you’ve been for the last month but it’s time to get my Manhunt face back on. Make up for this egregious error once and for all. Restore some dignity and honor to the online manhunting game.


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