The Garden Changed All The Yellow Seats To Black And I'm Officially Rattled

I think I speak for everyone when I say I am RATTLED by the TD Garden putting in all black seats. For years the Garden, even the Fleet Center, was known for their yellow seats. Well unfortunately those days have come to an end as the TD Garden twitter account tweeted out pictures of the new seats today.

Yellow seats were something I used to chirp when I was a young kid. I’d go to other rinks and wonder why the B’s had bright yellow seats along with dark green premium colored seats. I’d come to find out that the Canadiens had red seats and it is actually a pretty normal thing for a team to color their seats but as a kid for some reason I didn’t like it.

But then as I grew older, like most things in life, I began to appreciate what I used to take for granted. The yellow seats at the garden suddenly became one of my favorite parts of the Garden. I loved the uniqueness, I loved the ugliness. I loved the giant fuck you to the Celtics that this was their arena and they didn’t give two shits if yellow seats looked like trash during their games.

I like to live by the phrase “If it aint broke, don’t fix it.” So these seats better be some A+ quality seats because those yellow seats were the fucking balls.

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