"Behind The Glass" With The Philadelphia Flyers Is About To Be The Greatest Piece Of Television History

Besides that one episode of Barstool Van Talk, of course. But other than that? These “Behind The Glass” episodes from the Philadelphia Flyers training camp are going to be some of the greatest moments to ever be captured in television history.

Sometimes I forget that this is going to be a completely different Flyers organization heading into this season. A new head coach. The first full year with a new GM. The first full year with Carter Hart. You bring in guys like Kevin Hayes over the offseason. Even something as seemingly innocuous as changing the logo at center ice shows that this organization is ready to completely flip a switch here and build a new future instead of spending so much time on the past.

One of the things that has plagued the Flyers and Flyers fans over the year is just this feeling of complacency within the organization. It seemed like the Flyers were just happy with being the Flyers and always talking about this great, rich history that the organization has. But the team hasn’t done shit in about a decade here. They haven’t won a playoff series since 2012, but there didn’t seem to be any real urgency to make changes. And I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that nobody really knew how to handle the team since the passing of Mr. Snider. But enough time has passed by now and it’s time to move on. So while the last couple of years as a Flyers fan may have been some miserable ones, at least they’re trying to be different now. At least they’re trying new things out. Does that guarantee that they’re going to win a Stanley Cup? Not exactly. But at least there’s the potential of that to be excited for now, and this show is the start of it.

It feels nice to be excited about this team again. Probably the first time I’ve actually been looking forward to a season starting in 4 years.


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