Tim Tebow Is Against Paying College Athletes, Suggests Wanting Pay For Play Is Reflection Of "Selfish Culture"

This clip of Tebow on First Take this morning is making its rounds on Twitter right now. Let’s just say people are FURIOUS online. A lot of “white privilege” being thrown around:

The discussion above was surrounding the recent bill in the state of California, that would make it a state law that players were allowed to profit off their image and likeness. The NCAA responded by saying they would ban all colleges from California from postseason play.

Some quotes from Tim Tebow:

SOURCE-I feel like I have a little credibility and knowledge about this because when I was at the University of Florida I think my jersey was one of the top-selling jerseys around the world. It was like Kobe, LeBron and then I was right behind them. And I didn’t make a dollar from it.

But nor did I want to because I knew going into college what it was all about. I knew going to Florida, my dream school, where I wanted to go, the passion for it. If I could support my team, support my college, support my university, that’s what it’s all about.

Is Tim Tebow a boomer in a 32-year-olds body?

And yes I know we live in a selfish culture where it’s all about us but we’re just adding and piling on to that. Where it changes what’s special about college football. We turn it into the NFL where who has the most money, that’s where you go.

I didn’t know people still use the “we’d lose what’s special about college football” argument. It is such a lame argument and it doesn’t make sense. College football is allllllllll about money.

That’s why people are more passionate about college sports than they are about NFL. That’s why the stadiums are bigger in college than they are in the NFL. Because it’s about your team, it’s about your university. It’s about where my family wanted to go. It’s about where my grandfather had a dream of seeing Florida win an SEC championship. And you’re taking that away so that young kids can earn a dollar and that’s just not where I feel like college football needs to go.

This is just such a virgin thing to say. So lame. Of course, it came from a guy that has a haircut that no one over the age of 11 has.

If you feel the way Tim Tebow does, that’s fine. If a bill like California’s gets passed and goes national, you’d still have the opportunity to not take any money. Nobody is going to force you to advertise for Gatorade. You can just say no to the money and eat in the cafeteria for all 4 years. However, if another player on your team does want to take the bag from Gatorade, they should be able too. Just because you want to keep some Disney fairytale version of college football going, doesn’t mean Percy Harvin shouldn’t have been able to gain off his likeness.

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