Judge Threatens To Beat A Lawyer's Ass That's Pissing Him Off And Then Goes And Does Just That

Fuck yeah!  Trial by combat fever, catch it!  Is there any doubt these guys are Game of Thrones fans?  Nope.  They watched Sunday’s episode and then were pissed about being back at work on Monday at their shitty jobs in their shitty court room dealing with shitty people who suck.  So they decided to let off a little steam.  No big deal.  A little old fashioned justice.  You piss me off then we’re taking it out back and going to blows.  You gotta love a judge who takes control of his court room like that.  Most judges would just slam down their gavel like pussies.  Not this judge and not on this day. He slammed an attorney’s head instead.  Everybody else clearly seemed to be okay with it, even the cops in the court room were like, “Fuck it, let ‘em work it out.”. The people waiting in the court room almost gave them a standing ovation like they just solved all of the world’s problems and maybe they did?  I hope this trial by combat thing catches on.  Is it completely arbitrary and in no way aligns with due process?  Yes, but it’s enterating and we get to see hear men with law degrees say things like, “You wanna fuck with me?” and throw down in the break room of a court house.

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