Britney Spears Has Quietly Been Putting A Little Bit Of A Beatdown On Instagram Lately

If you’re 30-40 years old, Britney Spears is probably the first girl you laid eyes on and said to yourself, “holy shit she’s hot.”

Because she was.  She was the hottest girl on earth for more than a minute.  Sure Christina came around and stole some of her thunder and Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson were rockets in their own right, but Britney was the KWEEN


Every time I see that red jumpsuit I get rock hard.  It’s like Pavlov’s dog except the dog is my wang.  Just instantly hard/salivating when presented with that skin tight, smooth, leathery jumpsuit image as a stimulus.  Oh how I envy Justin Timberlake for landing on Plymouth Rock first.

But anyways… she obviously fell off the face for a bit and at least somewhat succumbed to the lifestyle that famous people often succumb to, but we’re not here to talk about that.  We’re here to talk about Britney quietly making a comeback on IG lately.  Take a look at these:

THAT’S MY QUEEN OF POP!!!!  Absolutely LOVE the comeback tour.  Looking healthy, fit and ready to get back to work.  I don’t want, I need more Britney in my life.  We all do.  If nothing but for nostalgia reasons.

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