There's A Hot New Proposal Trend In Russia Where You Make Your Girlfriend Think She's Getting Abducted

That video above shows you how important the engagment is. The moment every girl has been dreaming about their entire lives. The most important decision a person will make in their lives. You have to do it right. The right ring, the right words, the right place. Maybe you go on a vacation, find a romantic location at sunset. Maybe you play on nostalgia and go back to one of your favorite date spots. Something sentimental. Or if you’re Russian maybe you do something really romantic like make her think she’s being abducted or arrested!


Anastasia is led to the back of the car she was travelling in. The men begin rifling through her things in the boot and discover a small packet full of white powder.

Surrounded by men clad in black special ops uniforms, a female plain-clothes detective turns to her: “You’re suspected of supplying banned substances.”

The colour in Anastasia’s face swiftly drains away.

“You must be mistaken. That’s not mine,” she says, smiling nervously.

“Then whose is it? Enough of the games!” a man barks.

The questions continue, until the man opens the packet to reveal a small pink box.

“And what’s this?” he asks.

“No idea!” she replies, her voice breaking.

Suddenly the man gets down on one knee, rips off his mask and shouts: “Marry me!”

I read a lot of weird stories on the internet from all over the world. This is one of those times where I sit back and thank the Lord that I was born in a place that doesn’t considered being abducted my masked men at gun to be peak romance. And this business is BOOMIN in Russia.

Extreme proposals can cost as little as 700 roubles (£8.70; $10.50) for a half-hour photo session with a “member of the security forces”, to around 60,000 roubles (£745; $900) for a full security forces show.

Sergei’s extreme proposal set him back 30,000 roubles. He had considered approaching real law enforcement colleagues, and had approached people from the Federal Security Service (FSB), but they turned him down – something he’s now relieved about.

The first extreme proposals came in 2014. By 2015, several franchises of Spetsnaz Show had been set up around Russia. Now there are 14 of them – and competitors have also set up shop.

60,000 roubles for a fake abduction proposal?!? Jesus Christ. How much do the real abductions cost in Russia for when it doesn’t work out a couple years later. Maybe that is built-in to the original price. She’ll think it’s all some romantic gag to bring the fire back until she’s left on the side of the road in Siberia.

Such a weird fucking place. You think there are certain seemingly universal customs and traditions. Marriage and proposals seem to be one of them in most parts of the world where women have you know…some degree of rights. Russia though…not the same, I guess.

“So how did he propose?”

“OMG, it was soooo perfect. I was leaving my house and 6 guys with AK-47s grabbed me, threw me in the back of a van, sped away, stole my purse, put me in handcuffs, and then Artemi put a ring on my finger. I was already crying, but I kept crying. He gets me”

So fellas, engagement season is almost here. When you’re planning out that perfect moment and you’re going to splurge on a surprise engagement party with all of your friends and family, and a photographer, and the whole thing…maybe don’t be basic. Give her a a memory that will last forever…PTSD.

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